Top Benefits of Meditation with Crystalline Sound - PART 2

Ashana's Benefits of Meditation

In the last blog I shared all about how meditation with crystal singing bowls helps you gain crystal clear focus and enhances deep cellular healing. These are just a couple of the infinite benefits of meditation with crystal singing bowls. If you missed that one, you can check it out here. It’s a quick and easy read.

Meditation is an ancient practice used around the world that can often be overlaid with rules and dogmas around various beliefs instilled by different teachers. I’d like to clear the air here and say — there is no one right or wrong or “spiritually perfect” way to meditate.

People sometimes ask me, “what’s the best kind of meditation?” First of all, the best kind of meditation is the one that feels right to you. Do you feel more relaxed and at peace with yourself when you practice it? Does it feel right to you? Do you enjoy it? Do you look forward to it? If so, then it’s probably the best meditation for you at this point in your life.

In my years of practicing (and resisting!) meditation, I’ve sifted through a lot different kinds in search of what worked for me. Again, there is no right or wrong or perfect way to meditate. Once I discovered healing sound, I was home. Playing my bowls and chanting prepare my body and mind for resting in silence. The high vibrational frequencies of alchemy crystal singing bowls help me to relax and connect with my essence and open to my soul. For me, it is like plugging directly into the Divine Current. I’ve been playing bowls and chanting for at least 25 years and I still feel like I’m learning and growing and receiving more each day.

Sonic meditation with crystal bowls almost instantly begins to shift stress and anxiety. As the body relaxes and the static from our emotions begin to clear, we can call in our higher self for support and guidance. Playing bowls invokes a state of harmony and coherence, opening the way to a clearer sense of self-awareness and creativity.

I hope this blog series can help you gain clarity on what you would love to experience so you can harness the power of this life changing practice.

Keep reading to learn more of the incredible benefits of meditating with crystal singing bowls.

At the end of this blog, I’ll share with you some exquisite healing music you can use with your daily meditation practice!

benefit #3 - Calms and regulates emotions

Are there moments when it feels like your emotions are running wild? I can totally relate. Life happens. Our environments, hormones, stress, and many other factors can leave us feeling elated in the morning and then suddenly overwhelmed in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it only takes a small thing to trigger a tsunami of emotional reactivity. How do you stop the floodgate of emotions from derailing your entire day? Week? Month?

Well, sometimes it feels almost impossible. Especially when the emotions touch deep places within our cellular memory and activate old trauma.

This is exactly where a meditation practice is most valuable. Because it’s a practice. We practice just for times like these because it helps us manage the discomfort and pull us away from the abyss.

Guided meditations with the celestial sounds of alchemy crystal singing bowls, when used regularly, entrain the body and mind to higher vibrational frequencies and states of being. Repeated listening of these meditations recondition our mind to more elevated states of awareness and consciousness. Then, when we feel triggered, instead of diving head first into our old fears and swimming around for days, we now have a part of us that whispers “take a deep breath,” or reminds us to “trust that the universe is taking good care of me.”

We don’t meditate so we can live perpetually in peace, love and light with nary a shadow to disturb our bliss. We meditate to rest in the awareness of what peace feels like so we can recognize the contrast when anxiety strikes. Then we can sit with the anxiety from a place of more neutrality, feel it, and make a new choice. We meditate to rest in what love feels like when we feel frightened and alone. We meditate so we know how to tap into the light within when all we think we can see is darkness all around.

Meditation helps us be with the storm of our emotions, from an expanded state of awareness, so we can be with ourselves with more equanimity, self-acceptance and the kindness of our hearts.

benefit #4 - Increase Self Confidence

I wrote a song as part of a program I will soon be launching called Celestial Alignment for Healing that doesn’t sound like any song I’ve ever released to the public. People that know my music always equate it with peace and relaxation, not something you can play while working out at the gym. That being said, I wrote this particular piece to help people increase confidence, and feel empowered, strong and self-assured. And yes, there is a symphony of alchemy crystal bowls humming along in it, amplifying all these energies and more! It is a perfect example of a dynamic meditation.

Meditation comes in different forms. Sometimes we need to connect with our expansive sense of peace and sometimes we need to activate our personal power and strength. It’s a mindset shift. Music and sound can help us shift our mindset quickly, like nothing else I know of. And when you support that mindset and music with the sound of alchemy crystal singing bowls, you have a powerhouse of high frequencies expanding and transmitting those energies into every cell and atom of your being.

benefit #5 - Deeper, more rejuvenating sleep

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night and wake up exhausted? Maybe you fall asleep and you bolt awake an hour or two later, your mind in an endless loop of worry and anxiety about what's happening (or not happening) in your life.Perhaps some nights it feels like you don't get to sleep AT ALL. Or maybe you're so wired and focused during the day, it feels impossible to relax. In the United States alone, 50-70 million people struggle with sleep related disorders.  In 2017, $69.5 BILLION dollars in revenue worldwide was spent on sleep aids and that number is expected to increase. Over 35% of all adults in the US do not get sufficient sleep.

Our world is profoundly sleep deprived and our mental and physical health is paying the price. In addition, with the extraordinary events happening around us today, insomnia is more prevalent than ever.   Many sleep disorders are directly related to chronic stress that has accumulated from a multi-faceted impact of physical, emotional and mental stressors that have a combined, cumulative adverse effect on the health of our nervous system. Studies show that lack of restful sleep is directly linked to a weakened immune system, anxiety and depression, hormonal imbalance, cardiovascular disease, obesity and more. We all need high quality restful sleep, in epic proportions.

For the longest time, I struggled with sleep issues. I changed my diet, exercised more, took supplements, you name it. What I was resisting doing was meditating … at night. Really? Yes, really. This simple change has made all the difference in the world to my quality of sleep. I began a practice of ending my day with healing sound and meditation. Now, after I take a shower to wash off the day, I sit down and play my alchemy bowls for 5-20 minutes. It clears and reharmonizes my energy. It’s a huge reset that quiets my mind and helps me let go of worries, conversations, business and work, or whatever else is buzzing in my head. Afterwards, I sit quietly and rest in the peace.

It has been a complete game changer for the quality of my sleep.

If you don’t have your own alchemy crystal singing bowls, I’ve created some incredibly beautiful healing sleep music you can use. This extraordinary music will entrain your nervous system to help change your sleep patterns and enhance the quality of your rest so you can be the best you can be. Here’s the link to learn more.

In our next sound meditation blog, I’ll share with you even more benefits of healing sound with crystal bowls! We’ll look at how it helps to soothe chronic pain, stimulate our creativity and help us connect with our own divinity.

Until then, enjoy this beautiful sound meditation to help you sleep, from my album “Celestial Sleep.” You’ll find it HERE, or you can click on the artwork.

Share this blog with a friend or family member, and bring the healing of crystal singing bowls into your lives for more peace, confidence and restful sleep.

Until next time!

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